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新聞: 收視率 
Fridays and Adult Swim Programming: Ratings Still Soaring
來源:Animation Insider Online

(1) Adult Swim收視率持續上升,以下為參考數據。

Family Guy (Wednesday, 11 p.m.)
Adults 18-34 delivery (1,102,000) ↑ by 108% and ratings (1.7) by 113%.
Adults 18-24 delivery (617,000) ↑ by 85% and ratings (2.3) by 92%.
Women 18-34 delivery ↑ by 157% and ratings by 150%.

ADULT SWIM (Mon-Thurs, Sat-Sun, 11 p.m.-2 a.m.)
ADULT SWIM ranked #1 in its time period
Delivery of adults 18-34.
Delivery of adults 18-24 and men 18-24.
Adults 18-34 delivery (476,000) ↑ by 46% and ratings (0.7) by 40%.
Adults 18-24 delivery (259,000) ↑ by 55% and ratings (0.9) by 50%.


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